Li Po prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

Li Po | englesko - nemački rečnik

Li Po

muški rodlično ime

(705-762) Chinese poet. He used traditional literary forms, but his exuberance, the boldness of his imagination, and the intensity of his feeling have won him recognition as perhaps the greatest of all Chinese poets. Although he was mostly concerned with higher themes, he is also remembered for his celebratory verses on drinking.


muški rodlično ime

Genannt Li Tai-Po (Li Tai-peh), 701, +bei Nanking 762, chines. Lyriker; trug seine Trink-, Liebes- und Naturgedichte am Kaiserhof vor oder rezitierte sie in den Dörfern und Städten auf seinen unsteten Wanderungen.


Još sličnih reči

lap | loop | LP | leap | lip | Li Po | Lippi | loopy | lop

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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